
The natural distribution of carp found on Earth is very wide, with European and Asian rivers flowing into the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the China Rivers and the Middle East.

There are a large number of carp species in the world. The commercial carp that are sold as edible fish are: Mirror carp, Silver carp, and Amur carp.

The rate of carp growth depends on three factors: temperature, food quality and density. Under optimal growing conditions, the carp is able to reach a weight of two kilograms in the first years of its life.

Carp has unique resistance to extreme and rapid changes in temperature.

Another advantage – carp do not have excessive sensitivity to low oxygen concentrations (survival up to 0.5 ppm) as well as to a wide range of pH in water.

Reproductive capacity – The carp has high fertility. One female can lay 100,000 eggs per kilogram of body weight.

Nutrition – A large part of the carp’s food intake comes from the natural food found in the natural environment in which it grows. As carp farming becomes a commercial crop, this fish must be supplemented with high-fat, high-protein foods.

The composition of the main raw materials for the production of the mixture for the carp:




Wheat Bran

Soybean syrup


Chicken flour