Catfish Farming

Catfish Farming Fish Farming Catfish: Facts and Implementation Aquaculture: Aquaculture is the production, through artificial cultivation techniques, of any aquatic plant or animal, such as fish, shrimp and clams. Aquaculture is sometimes referred to as “the...

Mr. Cobi Levanon

Mr. Cobi Levanon (B.Sc.) Mr. Cobi Levanon (B.Sc.) Aquaculture Expert Mr. Cobi Levanon, (B.Sc. In marine biology): Former consultant and independent project manager for Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture. Established and managed the Dag Soof Farm in Israel –  A sea...

Community Fish Farm

Community Fish Farm Tilapia and Catfish – are the recommended Introduction Fish is the main source of animal protein in Africa, of which tilapia & catfish have been predominant. An ever-growing surge in demand for these two species worldwide creates great...


Projects Alphalapia team of experts has been active in the aquaculture industry around the world for many years. Some of this activity is shown here. Israel Beginning in the early 1970s, Alphalapia experts were involved in the management, design and construction of a...

Tilapia Fish Farm

Tilapia Fish Farm Earth ponds and Cages Tilapia Fish Farming & Marketing By choosing one of these methods, you will establish a cost-effective fish farm, capable of producing and marketing almost any amount of tilapia per annum. By cultivating tilapia fish...